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City Council approves police agreement with Cybercrimes Task Force

The Lebanon City Council has renewed a memorandum of understanding between the city Police Department and the Lake Area Cyber Crimes Task Force. The approval came at Monday’s Lebanon City Council meeting. Lake Area Cyber Crimes Task Force (LACCTF) was founded in 2009 with a mission to apprehend and prosecute criminals who exploit children using computer technology. Police Chief Jerry Harrison said LACCTF operates in connection with the Missouri Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. "We've been involved with this task force since 2009. There's five sheriffs’ offices and four police departments represented on this task force. This just renews the standard agreement as we have new sheriffs coming on and all these agreements have to be renewed," Harrison said. LACCTF is a cyber crimes task force of five sheriffs' offices and four police departments that investigates computer related criminal activities. LACCTF is funded by a grant from the Missouri Department of Public Safety. Lebanon Police Department administers the grant funding. There is no cost to the City of Lebanon, he said. In other business, the Council agreed to the purchase of two battery powered positive pressure fans from Leo M. Ellebracht for $11,145. Fire Chief Sam Schneider explained that the Fire Department is replacing its gas powered fans. “In efforts to utilize the latest technology and reduce hazards on the fire scene the Fire Department has initiated a project to replace gas powered tools and equipment. This is the second planned purchase to replace gas-powered ventilation fans and replace them with battery powered fans. This eliminates the need to refuel hot gas-powered equipment during emergencies. It will also allow us to remove older less effective electric fans from service,” he said. Schneider said the new battery powered fans do not introduce harmful gases such as CO into a building,” he said. The Council approved the purchase of one 72-inch Gravely zero turn mower for the Parks Department in the amount of $16,667.16 and one 60-inch Gravely zero turn mower for Facilities in the amount of $16,397 from Fohn Furniture and Lawn LLC with a total cost of $33,064. For more on this story, see Wednesday's LCR.