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City hears report on proposed traffic flow improvements

Traffic flow was a priority for Lebanon citizens responding to city surveys. The Lebanon City Council heard an update from Street Superintendent Mike Moore at Monday’s work session on plans for improving city streets. At the regular Council meeting, the Council approved the purchase of materials for one improvement, the 4th Street intersection with Jefferson Avenue, including larger turning radiuses, new curbs and improved traffic signals. The work is expected to improve traffic flow for the western portion of the city. Total materials and equipment were not to exceed $96,500. In his work session report, Moore said improvement efforts are ongoing with traffic being monitored and studied and an I-44/Highway 5 alignment study had been completed. Moore said the city will continue to explore alternate routes on city streets to relieve traffic flow at Jefferson and the intersection of Jefferson and Highway 32. He discussed alternate routes being considered. For more on this story, see Saturday's LCR.