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Library director talks about achievements, future plans

he Lebanon-Laclede County Library had 80,780 visits in 2024, reported Director Tina Chaney in an interview that charted the library’s progress throughout the year. The library’s Facebook page also noted that the institution collected 61,985 circulated items. “I think we have done very well,” Chaney said, later adding, “I don’t see how you can complain about numbers that are growing every year.” The library also reported 13,924 visitors to the Route 66 Museum that resides next to the library. Chaney noted that the library experienced the most traffic during the summer months, which was in part due to the free summer programing. One of the events that Chaney was proudest of was Governor Mike Parsons’s book signing that she coordinated last year. She also recognized the success of the Springfield Dickinson Zoo’s children’s program as well as the cruise-in collaboration with the Lebanon-Laclede County Route 66 Society. One of the challenges Chaney said the library faces is accommodating people from a range of different life circumstances such as poverty and lower rates of education. She noted that the goal was to be ready to accommodate anyone who entered the institution. Looking towards the future, Chaney is considering hiring an assistant to assist her with her duties, which would also allow her to be more present in the community. She also plans to institute a central communications bulletin for her employees as well as increased training during the last Fridays of the month. For more on this story, see Wednesday's LCR.