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Local teachers selected for state program

Three Laclede County school teachers will be part of the inaugural class of the Personalized Competency-Based Master Teacher Cadre program, according to press releases from the Lebanon R-III and Laclede County C-V (Joel E. Barber) School Districts. The press releases noted that Jennifer Robertson (fifth and sixth grade teacher at Joel E. Barber) along with first grade teacher Erin Slye and sixth grade social studies teacher Karen McDermott from Lebanon R-III are three of 91 Missouri educators to be selected for the program. The release noted that program, which requires an application process with recommendations from superintendents and or direct supervisors, is designed to teach educators how to teach their students using a student-centered, personal competency-based model. The program is a collaboration between the Success-Ready Student Network, a collaborative initiative between public school districts, and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and will be divided into cohorts led by educators experienced in the model. For more on this story, see Saturday's LCR.