Lynn Stowe is grand marshal of next Saturday's Lebanon Christmas Parade
Photo courtesy of: Lynn Stowe.
Having been involved with Lebanon’s Christmas Parades for a long time, Lynne Stowe will finally be at the front of the procession this year as grand marshal.
“It’s an honor,” Stowe said, adding that it was always nice to see smiling faces at the event.
Having been in the area for 86 years, Stowe first owned a service station before holding the position of county recorder for 32 years. While there, he oversaw the modernization of his office and saw records go from handwritten to typed.
In the sixties, Stowe began working alongside the Lebanon Area Chamber of Commerce as an organizer parade. That role gave him the opportunity to help determine grand marshals of the parade, and he tried to pick those that had had an impact on the town’s growth, whether they be ex-teachers or governors.
For more on this story, see Saturday's LCR.