Stoutland boys lose close matchup against Hermitage
#35 Brodie Millsap watches on as #24 Jessie Dickinson passes to #1 Micheal Kincaid during Monday’s game. The Stoutland Tigers lost against the Hermitage Hornets 78-84.
LCR Photo/Jack Silberberg.
The Stoutland Tigers faltered in the final minutes of their close game against the Hermitage Hornets Monday night, losing 78-84.
Going into the game, Stoutland had a season record of 6-4 and Hermitage one of 8-5. The Lady Tigers had won their match against the Lady Hornets 70-28 earlier that night, and the girls helped cheer the boys onto the court.
Though the Hornets took an early lead, the Tigers soon caught up to them and began a competitive back and forth for the rest of the first period. #24 Jesse Dickinson scored the last Stoutland basket for the period, and the score stood 24-24.
For much of the second period, every time one team would gain a one-point edge over the other, the other would reverse the situation with a basket of their own. By the end of the period, though, the Tigers had development a more significant lead, with #00 Will Morrow scoring the last points and setting the score at 46-41.
After halftime, the Hornets closed the point gap and began to create their own lead over the Tigers, leaving the score at 58-62.