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Goldie Hawn returns to film for one of the worst comedies of the year


Would you believe me if I told you that Goldie Hawn won an Academy Award for Best Actress in 1970? How about that Amy Schumer received a Golden Globe nomination for acting? What if I said, their recent movie “Snatched” is one of the worst movies of their careers and a sure win for the worst comedy year? Would you believe me? Well, all of these statements are true. Painfully so. I’ve never been a fan of Hawn or Schumer, but they have made me laugh on occasion. This isn’t the case with their latest. Not even a giggle.

“Snatched” is just awful. A predictably dull mother-daughter romp that goes out of its way to raunchy and racist with a “no regrets” kind of fight until the end. Sure it has a few moments, but nothing worth the price of admission. The story begins with Emily Middleton (Amy Schumer) shopping with a friend for her trip to South America. Like so many people today, Middleton doesn’t have her priorities straight. She has very little money but thinks a vacation with her boyfriend will make all of her problems go away. That’s why she purchases two nonrefundable airline tickets.

Little does she know, Middleton’s boyfriend has no interest in going on a vacation. Especially not with her. As we explicitly discover, Middleton’s boyfriend doesn’t find her attractive and is excited to be with as many women as he can.

Heartbroken, Middleton retreats to her apartment, and then to her mother’s home for comfort and some beef stew. As anyone could guess, there’s nothing funny about beef stew. Or her mother. But boy, do they try.

For the complete review, see the Weekend print edition of The Daily Record, or view the e-Edition online.