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County to consider saving Route 66 bridge


Laclede County Commissioners plan discussions with state on possibly taking ownership of the old Gasconade River Bridge at Hazelgreen, following a meeting Tuesday with people working to preserve the historic structure.
The Commission meeting drew about 12 people including members of the Route 66 Society,  Gasconade River Bridge Guardians and Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) staff.
Presiding Commissioner Randy Angst said he wanted to begin a dialogue with MoDOT and see what comes about. Supporters of saving the bridge hope that the county will agree to be its new owner.
Angst asked MoDOT representatives to provide any background material on the bridge.
Roamin’ Rich Dinkela, president of the Missouri Route 66 Association, who also works with the Gasonade Bridge Guardians, said an extensive rehabilitation of the bridge would come with “a pretty good price tag.”

For more on this story see Wednesday's print or e-Edition of the LCR.