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Wehner’s Bakery owners have hired an engineer to look into why their building had to be demolished


The owners of the former Wehner’s Bakery building in Lebanon have hired an engineer to look into why the structure had to be torn down.
The building at 101 North Madison is being demolished because of safety concerns, according to city officials.
The building was being taken down brick by brick to protect surrounding buildings and people.

The Wehner’s Bakery Facebook account last week posted a photo of the building from 2016 along with another more recent photo.  One photo shows the old electric pole next to the building  and the other photo shows the pole installed last summer. Amanda Wehner explained why the photos were posted in an email to the Record.
“The 2016 Google Maps picture is being used as a reference by a group of representatives for our business, Wehner’s Bakery,” she wrote.  “My husband, Mike, and I have hired an independent structural engineer whose report is INCLUDING the changes made by the electric pole that was installed last summer.  The City of Lebanon received a structural engineer report (dated April 17, 2019), from a company that they contracted with, to which in their report the pole is EXCLUDED.

For more on this story see Wednesday's print or e-Edition of the LCR.